Growing Flowers

20190603_081853[1].jpgThis year I sowed seeds, flower seeds. No, I didn’t plant them but that’s another story. With the exception of sunflowers I’ve never grown more than a few flowers. Over the years I’ve grown a few marigolds and an occasional nasturtium. My efforts have always gone into growing vegetables and herbs. My attitude has always been to grow what my family can eat. Yes I’m aware that a lot of flowers are edible. I can grow a lot of beans and tomatoes to get us through the winter in the same space I could have grown flowers.

My personal hero tilled a couple extra spaces for me this year so I can grow flowers. They are starting to bloom now. It takes a while for anything to grow from seed to flowering and fruiting stage.

I’ve come to realize that raising children and grandchildren is a lot like growing flowers. It takes patience, nourishment, and the Son. I’ve found with Jesus in my heart I have a certain strength and ability that I wouldn’t have had in order to do the things that are needed and expected of me.

Watching flowers grow I’ve come to realize just how much my grandgirls have grown and just how much they are like delicate beautiful flowers. They are strong like marigolds, resistant to hardships like dry weather and divorce. They are delicate like roses whom everyone recognizes, bright smiles and attention getters just by being graceful and unassuming. Like Sunflowers they are aware of their need to face the sun/Son. Following the Son just like a Sunflower follows the sun through the sky from morning till night.

I’ve also learned that like growing flowers I can grow children only because I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. I follow the Son and He gives me the nourishment I need to have the ability to grow beautiful flowers and strong grandgirls.

I’m Susan and this is Sweet Country Living come back soon and often, you never know what I might be growing next, flowers, children and livestock. My world is sweet and filled with all things truly country.


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